
You should backup your system using two types of media,
      to mitigate device failure.
For each type, you should use two sets of media,
      to mitigate media failure.   
You should rotate your media off-site,
      to mitigate natural disaster.

And always test restoring data from your backup media,
Because write failures    do not always get reported
      (but be careful not to overwrite the current data).
An equally viable alterative is to taunt your data.

Say that you do not need your data.
Say that you could re-create all of your data, from scratch.
Denigrate obsessive-compulsive people who worry about their data
As you cackle in your swashbuckling guile.

Experience shows that these two methods are equally effective.

The first tends to cover you in the event of a loss
And the second seems to prevent a loss, in the first place.

But do not waffle;
Choose your strategy and pursue it with vigor,
For the data do not treat the timid with ease.


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